A downloadable game for Windows

Date: 05/2010

This is a story of a non-specified insignificant stone god, who dwells in distant dark waters, near a group of islands. 
Once in a while he climbs out of his cozy abyss to look upon the world and all the new islands and things, 
that came to existence since his last visit. He likes to mangle and twist destinies. 

I had a lot of fun creating various creatures and their interaction rules, I wish I had just one more day to add more content. 

This game was made during Ludum Dare 17.

I took part in Ludum Dare #17, the theme was Islands. You can check out my compo journal. The game scored #11 in Overall category, #1 Community (thanks to my sweetheart for a lot of food photos) and #6 Innovation out of 143 submitted games.


LD17-IslandsOfTheStoneGod-win.zip 2.6 MB
LD17-IslandsOfTheStoneGod-flash.zip 605 kB

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