A downloadable game for Windows

The basic idea comes from the Dungeon Keeper. 

This is a game made during Ludum Dare 15 game jam in September 2009.

I wish I could spend more time balancing the gameplay.

This was my very first compo submission ever and I enjoyed it a lot! :)

- FlashDevelop (+Flex3), coded in ActionScript 3 
- sfxr 
- musagi 
- Inkscape 
- Gimp 
- OpenCanvas + Wacom tablet 

- Flixel v1.25 
- TweenLite v6.21 


Ludum Dare is a game making event that is about “1 man (or woman), 1 PC (or Mac…) and 1 weekend… You don’t get to bring in anything. It’s about this weekend – what can you accomplish in 48 hours” (LD #15 Keynote Address).

The theme for Ludum Dare 15 was Caverns. Ludum Dare 15 had 144 entries.

I took part in Ludum Dare #15, the theme was simply Caverns. In about 30 hours, I’ve created the game that you can see up there. It was my first time participating in a compo (fan-based game making competition) and I really enjoyed it :) You can check out my compo journal.

Ludum dare Ratings
#11 Community 4.07
#15 Audio 3.54
#18 Humor 3.16
#19 Graphics 3.81
#22 Overall 3.60
#37 Fun 3.26
#42 Innovation 3.31
#59 Theme 3.36
#88 Coolness 10%


LD15-KavernKeeper-win.zip 2.5 MB
LD15-KavernKeeper-flash.zip 461 kB

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